This is the static restaurant website which shows all details about the particular restaurant, which services provided by them, thier reviewer's, contact details etc.
Here is ChatGPT Clone which uses RapidAPI to fetch the data from the openAI ChatGPT.
Airbnb clone with add accommodation and booking system
This game is a multiplayer game. This project is also for those who want to learn javascript as this project is a beginner-friendly.
devFind lets developers easily create profiles to showcase their skills and find collaborators.
The Recipe application is a web-based platform designed to store and organize recipes for users. It assists users in remembering the cooking methods and step-by-step instructions involved in preparing each recipe.
Spotify-Clone is a web application that mimics the functionality of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. Users can create an account, search for music by artist, album or track, create playlists, and listen to music.
This is an Online Food Ordering Website that enables users to order food from the comfort of their home.
Weather web app made with reactjs JS and tailwindcss which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.
It's a portfolio templet with functionality.